Never do I have more in common with Lot’s unnamed wife, who looked back, then at the end of citrus season when the time comes to bake with different, albeit intrinsically exciting, flavorings. As a result, I like citrus desserts for Easter AND for Mother’s Day, an effort at satiation before I have to move on.
The many layers of Gâteau de Crêpes aux Fraise are festive and satisfying year-round, but they feel special at Easter as a nod to those Catholic and Orthodox traditions that relinquish eggs and dairy during Lent and return to them joyously when honoring the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake is good enough to share because the buttermilk and nutmeg make the cake taste amazing. The flavors are subtle—people won’t know why the cake is so good. The other secret to its spectacular is a dusting of cinnamon and powdered sugar.