Sometimes, when you long for a recipe out of reach, you feel unprotected, and as though you will never be wise to life’s more important secrets.
Read MoreTamale Pie

comfort food
Sometimes, when you long for a recipe out of reach, you feel unprotected, and as though you will never be wise to life’s more important secrets.
Read MoreAt home even friends who’ve lived in Italy enjoy this recipe, so we’ve continued to serve it for company as well as our family. I started to prepare it this afternoon just as Amelia was beginning a Zoom interview for a college she’d love to attend. I had some butterflies in my stomach on her behalf, hoping she’d learn from the interview experience and feel that her preparation time had been well-spent. As I chopped the onion and smashed the garlic, the old calm came to me that preparing this soup had afforded twenty years ago. Here’s hoping it will offer you the same.
Read MoreI love this torte. The flavors of the beans are bright, the cheese is warm, and with the tortillas it all blends into a savory comfort-food goodness that I have loved for as long as I can remember. If you’re looking for something vegetarian but hearty, and something that easily pleases both kids and adults, this is your recipe.
Read MoreNourishing to the soul as well as the body, chicken pot pie is the best winter food I (Kate) know. Every member of the family is happy when they smell this baking in the oven.
Read MoreMy friend Heather Petersen loved these enchiladas, but she didn’t cook. Instead, she bought the ingredients, printed the recipe, and asked (or paid!) people to make them for her. They aren’t difficult; she just didn’t want to make them. And she really wanted to eat them.
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